torsdag 18. juli 2013

Fortsatt jul i juli

Hei hei !!
Skikkelig surt vær her i dag. Da passer det fint å lage julekort.
Katten leker i juletreet så julekulene faller av hihi...

Har brukt:
Mørk rød og grønn bazzil.
Mønsterarker er fra Maja Design.
Motivet er av Penny Black og er fargelagt med Promarkers.
Teksten er fra Kreativ Hobby.
( Do not forget to enjoy the Christmas season. It's a whole year until the next time.)
Og litt glitterlim må til.

Deltar på disse utfordringene:
Penny Black Saturday - July challenge
Pollycraft Challenge - Ruby Red
Crimbo Crackers - Anything Goes
Paper Crafting Journey - Christmas in July
Cuttin and Stampin - Christmas in July
Sweet Stampin Challenge - What... Christmas in July 
Dream Vally - Fancy Fold
Robin's Fetish - Christmas in July
ProMarker Norge - Utfordring 21.
Totally Gorjuss - Furtastic

20 kommentarer:

  1. Kjempeflotte :-)

  2. Kjempeflotte julekort, nesten som jeg har kommet i julestemning igjen. :-)

  3. Great step card. Thanks for playing along with us this week at Cuttin' and Stampin'

    Tammy S.

  4. Fab stepper card and such a cute little kitty.

    Thank you for sharing our work with all of us at Crafty Boots Challenges.


  5. What a super card.

    Thanks for sharing at Dream Valley this time.

    Susan x

  6. This is lovely! Thank you for sharing your lovely card at Sweet Stampin' and good luck with the Challenge. Judy x

  7. Beautiful card! Thank you for sharing with us at Sweet Stampin this week, Wedgie xxx

  8. This is too cute for words. I love the image and the stair-step fold. Is that you and your puppy in your blog header? He/she is adorable. Beautiful card and I hope we see you again soon! Thanks for joining us at the Sweet Stampin' Challenge! --Gail

  9. Great card - thanks for joining us at Robyns Fetish challenge blog

  10. I love that cat. What a great card. Thanks for sharing with us at Digi Darla this week.

    Emily T, DT

  11. Your step card is GORGEOUS!
    Thanks for joining us at Digi Darla’s

  12. This is so pretty. Love the little kitten up the top of the steps...

    Thank you for joining us at Digi Darla.
    Hugs Nick

  13. This is so, so cute! Thanks for playing along with us over at the Pollycraft Challenge :o)

  14. Koselig julekort du har laget!
    Lurt å begynne tidlig, så kan du kose deg litt hele året med julekorta.
    Ha en fin sommer videre, klem

  15. Det er aldri for tidlig å begynne med julekort, og dette var kjempelekkert!

    Takk for at deler det med oss på PMN og lykke til :-)

    Klem fra DT Anne

  16. WOnderful card - love that kitty!
    Thanks for playing at the Penny Black Saturday Challenge!
    Helen x

  17. This is so cute, thanks for sharing with us both at Lexi's Creations and Dream Valley

    Lin xx
    Lexi's Creations
    Dream Valley

  18. Herlig med jul i juli :) Flott kort du har laget :) Tusen takk for at du deltar i utfordringen til PMN :) Klem Rita, DT

  19. Liker godt jul juli jeg. Flott bretteteknikk og lekkert med charms. Klem Bettina
